Today for pday we took a lovely bike ride, all over the
costanera. It´s so pretty, and it´s not rainy or freezing cold today! We
ate hamburgers from a little burger stand (argentine version of a taco
stand). There´s an hermana in my zone going home next week, so it´s her
last pday. I don´t have my planner or anything, so I will give you what I
remember from the week.
We are now in the last week of the transfer. Wow. And this week is
easter! My comp doesn´t really know much about what easter even
is...jaja. Here they do the whole semana santa, and eat fish, and have
big chocolate eggs. And I think that´s about it...
This week was one of those weeks that sure makes you suffer a
little. And grow. Let´s just say, I have learned to really pray, to
forgive people, and to move on and be happy. People joke about mission
stories and crazy comps, but then you live it, and it´s not so funny.
But I can truly say that the atonement is real, prayer is real, and
people can change. We are not given circumstances more than we can bear.
We had divisions with the sister trainers, I was with hermana
diorio, who came to argentina the same day as me, so it was so good to
see her. Everything fell through, it rained, and we contacted for
hours...jaja. But then there was a ward activity, a dessert competition!
mmmm. I did cinnamon rolls, the elders chocolate chip cookies, there
were even brownies! The winning thing was jello with fruit
chunks...jaja. (I missed big brownies covered in fudge sauce and
I celebrated ONE YEAR IN ARGENTINA!!! yay! I really do love this
place....the people I have met, the empanadas, the sunsets....I love it
all. I celebrated by eating an alfajor. I was actually in the missiom
home in rosario on the one year anniversary.
We contacted a LOT of people this week, that was good to reach our
goal. We found some new people to teach. There´s a lady anamaria who had
an accident and can´t walk, she sits in her little kiosko all day and
knits. The first time we met her we said a prayer and shared a
scripture. When we passed by again she told us she had been waiting and
waiting that we would come again, and that the day we visited her all
the pain in her leg was gone. That was cool. We started teaching the
daughter and son in law of one of our investigadores, the girl is 16
with a baby and the dad is 25. I love teaching people who really have no
concept of where we came from and our potential as eternal families.
It´s powerful to see the people realize all that god has planned for
Yesterday at church there were 2 less active families that came, it
sure helped with the number of people, and it was a miracle. It was a
really good Sunday, I just felt so much love for the members here.
Shoot...can´t remember what else happened this week. We went to
rosario to do visa stuff, had zone meeting....It seems like there has
been so many things like this our area has not had as much attention as
it needs, and the time just goes by.
Mom, I like that CPR thing. Too bad that´s in english though...jaja.
comp is learning english. As for now her favorite phrases are ´i love
you´ and ´you are beautiful´. I have also taught her other important
things, ´holy cow´, ´you are crazy´....
Thanks for the updates on everyone! Crazy to think it´s spring there now.
Happy easter! You could save me some job eggs... :)
Love you all!
Hermana Andrews
“Our security is in [our Heavenly Father] and HisBeloved Son, Jesus Christ. I know that the Saviorloves you. He will confirm your efforts tostrengthen your testimony so that it becomes aconsummate power for good in your life, a powerthat will sustain you in every time of need and giveyou peace and assurance in these times ofuncertainty.
“As one of His Apostles authorized to bear witnessof Him, I solemnly testify that I know that the Saviorlives, that He is a resurrected, glorified personageof perfect love. He is our hope, our Mediator, ourRedeemer.”
Richard G. Scott
This is the giant slide. Kinda sketch, but it has been my dream to go down it. Costs 3 pesos. Too bad it´s only open sundays. |
Me and hermana diorio, with little hats that Anamaria gave us.