I sure did have to give a talk. As we were walking to sacrament, I had
this little thought. But I thought whatever, and wanted to prove that it
was my own thought. haha oops. They announce the names right when we go
up. Anddd...I had taught district mtg (sunday school) just earlier. So
the talk was awful. My excuse is I have had 1 week of spanish in my
life. We were all pretty sure some elders would be speaking, as this was
(supposed to ) be their last week. Good think I was obedient and
prepared a talk! Glad that's over with. Even though in another 3 months I
will be laughing about it.
So about this week...Thanks so much for letters!!! I
love getting them. Thank you thank you everyone! The dear elders are
like texts...but I can't respond.
Ok so there's a bunch of random things, forgive the bad organizational format. You get what you get. :)
you would be proud. I have been eating my grapefruit and raisin bran
for breakfast. Sterling, you will love the food. Especially
sunday/wednesday BYU ice cream days. It is ridiculous how many packages
the boys get here....I don't need any, cause some days one elder in our
district will get 3 or 4 packages with food! They are so generous and
give us so much junk food. :) Except we never even have time to eat,
except at meals anyways! Oh and for gym....We usually get 40 minutes of
gym per day. Except sunday and p-day and a morning that we are not
scheduled for gym. There is a track, 10 xs around is a lap.
Everyone here has been sick. Like it's a plague. There is no
handshaking, and we use more handsanatizer than the amount of food we
eat. But I have been so blessed to not get sick. Good thing I ate dirt
and cookie dough when i was little to build up my immune system. It has
pretty muched been passed around every district.
So we teach 'investigators'. The spanish has been hard, and
one day the teacher said I need to teach the lesson, because it was my
companion that would talk most of the time. So, I taught almost an
entire lesson myself. It was by no means
fantastic, but I made it through it. We taught her a few more times, and
have a baptisimal date:) But now that investigator is our teacher. And
this week we have 2 new investigators. The investigators are all played
by a teacher, and the investigator story is a real person from their own
A little about what Sundays are like. So busy. THe
girls go to music and the spoken word, and then Relief society. Then we
have district mtg, lunch, sacrament, walk to the temple (it was soo warm
yesterday, what is up with the snow??!), choir, study, devotional, and
movies. Sunday nights you watch movies or talks. Yesterday we went to
Joseph SMith movie. What I'm saying is, no nap time. They are really
good, but it's just go go go here.
Ok here's the spiritual part, what I learned this week:) Everything we
do should have a purpose. Everything. When we read our scriptures, we
need to have a purpose, for example a question in mind. As we learn the
language, we do it with a purpose, or specific phrases or things we need
to know to teach a specific lesson. When we have a purpose we
accomplish more. Everything CHrist did, said, and taught was purpose
Love you all, thank you for all your prayers, love, and support!
Thanks for keeping me updated about everything!
Love, hermana andrews
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