September 16, 2013

September 2, 2013

hello family!

happy september! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!

first of all....nope mom, i never received that. I know there are some letters that are waiting for me, we have a meeting tomorrow so i will be getting those, but i´m not sure who all they are from. And everything from the mission home is sent to us. 
I finished a week with my mini! I worked and walked more than any other week in my´s that scripture that says the lord is bound when we do what he says, and if not we have no promise. So, I decided to work and work and be obedient, and ya know what? We sure did receive a lot of blessings. We had to contact and search for people, but we had lots of opportunities to contact. I can see such a change in this branch in just a month and a half. The members are so willing to help. We started a ´21 day promise´ where they write names of nonmembers and pray and read a specific scripture every day (it´s a promise from an apostle, i tried it in other areas too), and the promise is at least one of the people will accept to listen to the missionaries. The members are so excited to to do this and have more faith. There is a kid who is leaving on his mission from the branch, so people are extra gung-ho to do missionary stuff. There were more people in church than any other week here. Our investigador, Antonela, went with her husband, which was such a relief. Another family, were menos actives who we have been working with, is getting ready to baptize the 8 year old daughter. The parents both bore their testimonies yesterday, and she shared how they were reactivated. One day the daughter Sharon said ´mom, i want to get baptized¨ and then asked why they didn´t go to church every Sunday. It shows the influence of kids on their parents! Super good sacrament mtg. (hahaha even though for some reason we sang a Christmas song before the sacrament....)
I just have SO much love for the people here and for Colón. I now understand that it is the love that needs to motivate us. I just want it to progress and the branch to grow! The mission leader said that i need to stop being so worried about everything, and be ´tranquil´. It is just that when you invest all of your time, thoughts, prayers, something you have love for it, and it´s hard for another person to understand that. Sometimes your efforts just never seem sufficient, because people have agency to accept the gospel or not. But I know we are happiest when we are completely invested in the people and area. 
One day we were contacting and the lady touched my comp´s stomach and  asked if she was pregnant. Hilarious. Another day a member asked me why my ankles were so swollen...not so hilarious. I didn´t inform her that i just have cankles. 
Things are going better with the mini. You are right mom, definitely good experience to learn from someone from the country. I am learning to look for good in people and love them.  And  missionaries go around in 2 for a reason. But what I know is most important is our relationship with heavenly father. 
I have had to had a lot more faith to just go up and talk to people, and teach in every moment possible. It has been super warm here, which means that everyone sits outside drinking opportunity to contact. 
I introduced my comp to some food this week. She liked the pancakes (with dulce de leche of course:), thought granola was disgusting, along with raw veggies. I have developed a love for is not like in the states, but really runny and comes in bags. I think this is what i will survive on all summer. 
I keep finding more and more vacay rental homes to stay at here, so save your pennies, we are coming back. 
Oh, and happy labor day! enjoy a bbq or whatever those American traditions are!
thanks for the letters, i love hearing about everything. 
Have a great week! 
love, hermana andrews
the river...and Uruguay

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