We started off the day yesterday by going to the hospital. My comp got bit by a scorpion. I guess that´s what we get for doing our morning exercises....She was laying on the floor, and the nasty little thing just bit her. We didn´t know if it was bad or not, as she said it only hurt a little. We went to our neighbor, who wasn´t of much help. We called hermana giuliani and pres. giuliani. Finally someone called us back, and then Hna Giuliani told us to go immediately to the hospital. Good thing the bite didn´t kill instantly, or my comp would have been long dead by this time. So then we went to the hospital. This is an experience in and of itself, in Argentina. We waited, and waited, I had to figure out the payment and how everything works. Then finally we saw a doctor, he said it´s not poisonous, and sent her to get a shot. Thing is, he didn´t even look at the scorpion! (we had to bring the real thing). And then I saw his nametag that said cardiologist. jaja. So there went my trust in the hospital. (don´t worry, they didn´t even once ask for her ID or health history or anything.) So then she got a shot in her bum. And that´s the story of the scorpion.
Other exciting things this week...the police. You have probably already heard about this or got the email from president....but the police weren´t working. So society went crazy. And we couldn´t leave our apartment after dark this week. Very inconvenient. In some areas people went around crazy with guns and robbing, lots of stores were closed, but nothing happened to us. It was all very political, and we always just heard what was going on from the people in the street, and little old ladies who were scared for our lives that we were going to get attacked.

The heat is here. Oh wow. And lucky us, our fridge-freezer isn´t quite working normallly. But we count the working fan as a blessing. Even though they do just randomly shut off the power during the afterrnoon somedays here. 99 in the shade, and 93 in our apartment. I guess some things, like a constantly dripping face, you get used to ?... My favorite are the adorable little lawnmowers with cords that people use here.
Sad news for the week is our investigator. He doesn´t want to be "Mormon" and learn more. We literally gave him everything we had...but in the end every person has to make a decision for themself. And at times the pressure of other people just prevents them from accpeting the gospel, but I know some day in the future he will remember what he felt and knew. We did find some other good people contacting. I love when people recognize how peaceful they feel when talking to us.... um, hello sista, there´s more where that comes from.
Other good things this week was an asado with our mission leader (an elder here was leaving), the christmas mission conference (mom, i´m sure you have already facbook stalked that!jaja).
Oh, and the ward activity! We had a talent show. I just love how different the culture is...jaja lets just say it teaches me patience. It started at 8:30 one night....we had gotten permission to be out this late (because of all the police problems) But we had shown up early...and there was no one. Of course the bishop showed up at 8:27, members showed up after.... jaja just a whole different schedule. There was a variety of talents, including singing, I taught a little girl a piano song, and food. Well we had no time to think of some cute litle talent, we are missionaries. So i had a brilliant plan to do rainbow jellow. Yes, rainbow jello. A talent? not really. But impressive? it can be. (it all started becasue we couldn´t find a box of brownies to make) Well if you recall we have some serious issues with our fridge. It took a full 24 hours, but we make a pan of jellow, complete with the layers and all. The problem came when we went to this activity, it took forever to start, we walked through the 100 degrees outside. Let´s just say by the time we tried to cut the cute little cubes of rainbow jellow, it was not so cute. It was a distaster... kinda like what you see on pinterest, and then when you actually make it it turns into a totally different thing. Haha it was so embarrasing. Well we had to leave the activity early, and who knows what it looked like when the members finally ate, or what comments were made...jaja. That is the story of the rainbow jello i made in argentina.
Tell the relief society thanks for the card! Thanks for the updates! Thank you for the bday stuff!! To answer about christmas here....well there are some trees and lights. Little baby trees. And lights in the window. And tiny little wreaths on some doors. But nothing at all like the american decor.... it´s funny to see little santa clause decorations or things in english. Here the night before is the big deal, christmas day everyone just sits around and drinks. I think we made introduce argentina to caroling. :)
Yes, I plan on skyping! We are going to to the church probably. Our pday is christmas day next week. It will probably be the afternoon here, around 3ish. Either I will send an email early next week to say exactly what time, or if you can just check your email christmas day.
love you all!
hermana andrews.
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