July 31, 2013


July 16, 2013

This week is my "6 months as a missionary"!!! SO crazy. Not going to say it has flown by....but it has been quite the experience!

This past week has been best week yet. Right  now we are staying at a hotel in Concordia. Jaja ok...not a real hotel. But we are here until tomorrow, today we have a special p-day with the whole zone, and then tomorrow interviews with the president. Me and my comp are staying in the apartment of the hermanas (they took hermanas out of this area a few weeks ago) so it´s all empty...and it feels like we are staying in the Marriott!! The mattresses are like the ones from the states, it´s adorable, there is not a constant mold smell, and there is a heater! haha. So we are enjoying our little vacay.

Last week we came to Concordia also. Concordia is a 2 hour ride. We had zone meeting. It was so good! The president is focusing a ton on the importance of the members, and the worldwide conference thing from a couple weeks ago. 

To answer some of the questions....my comp, Hna Morgan, is the best. She has this transfer plus a week and a half, she is going home a little early to start school. She is such an example to me of hard work, she wants to work until her last day here, and has so much faith in our area! And we are usually pretty hilarious and have fun together. 

And about our area...we have some of the best members I have ever met. We had a meeting with the leader misional, and he even had his ´preach my gospel´book out.....this never happens. The church is pretty new in Colon, it´s only been here for about 15 years, so everyone is a convert or moved here from somewhere else. I have never heard people who sing with such enthusiasm! haha. The people have testimonies and are so converted, our struggle now is just helping them feel the importance of sharing the gospel, as they are so content with the amount of people and who is in the branch. We met some menos activo families, and they were so solid and with testimonies! THis area is blessed with strong priesthood men, we  have found it is more the wives who struggle, which is not common here. 

Also this week the assistentas, or traveling hermanas (they are like the girl assistants) came to do divisions with us and find people. They were here for a day and were able to contact and find some really good people! I definitely have a testimony of the importance of planning, and if we have faith God with make sure we find the people who are prepared. God is preparing people to accept the gospel, especially here in Colon. And then sometimes we just find crazy people....like it seems to be a common thing here that people answer their door without pants, or the lady who came out of her house with 4 little statues of virgin Mary to show us that she prays.
 I love when we are in some of the poorer areas, where it´s all the little houses touching, and you clap and never know who is going to pop out of what door. 

I also saw the HUGEST spider...right outside our front door hiding in a box. I have definitely improved in my ability to tolerate such things. Also, we discovered the most delicious, easiest thing to make...cocacola cake. Google the recipe, it´s from crackerbarrel. I have to enjoy such delicious things while i have an American comp. 

As for the rain, when it rains here, it rains hard. This week it has been pretty sunny though, and warm enough for just a light jacket. My kind of winter. 
MOm you can look at colon on google. I love this little city....it´s not super huge, but it is just so nice. And there´s a million and one houses and condos to rent if you want to come for vacation....
I´m grateful for the oportunity to serve here. Really we are nothing....but I know that God consecrates our time and efforts, and through our testimonies, others come to know of the plan God has prepared. 
Thank you for the letters and prayers! There is so much to be done both here and all over the world, now we just need to have the faith to do it. 
Hermana Andrews
“It will be a great day when our people not only pray for the missionaries throughout the world, but ask the Lord to help them to assist the missionaries who are laboring in their own ward” President Hinkley

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